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Playing Audio/Video on the Go

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NOTE: The easiest way to bring media into your session is by preparing a button in your agenda ahead of time. Check out Create your own Agenda and Edit an agenda in the CirclesSpace™️ for more info. However, sometimes you need to quickly add in some work music or a birthday song.

Playing audio, like a song or a guided mediation, with your participants is very easy:

  1. Copy the URL of the YouTube video you want to listen to by clicking ‘Share‘ and copying the link.
  1. In the CircleSpace™️, open the Tools menu in the top right above the agenda and select ‘Play Video/Music..’ from the list
  1. In the panel that appears paste the link that you’ve copied from YouTube. You also have the option to:
    • Set a global volume for everyone in case the default is too high or too low
    • Add to Library – this keeps the track in your circle’s Quick Play library so you can easily access it in future
    • Play in the spotlight
    • Play as audio only
  1. Press the ‘Start Playing’ button to start your video or audio.

NOTE: You can control the video or audio from the media panel that appears under the agenda while it is playing.