What you’ll get from the program
This program is designed to create space for you to:
Feel that you can respond positively to changes in the workplace
Identify opportunities to support and be supported as you navigate change
View colleagues as sources of support during times of change and uncertainty
How it works
Register here and indicate which time slot suits you best for the three bi-weekly Navigating Change Together sessions.
Expect notification once we have sorted 8 participants into your prefered time slot and assigned a facilitator. You will receive calendar invites for all three sessions.
Be prepared to attend all three sessions, as your circle will count on you. Set aside the tasks of the day, and engage in a meaningful way.
Note: Groups will launch throughout 2022.
Feel free to share this experience with your colleagues, and consider facilitating future waves.
Clear expectations make the experience work
Prepare for the Conversation
Be sure to read the materials that will be sent once your group has been formed, including an Overview of the experience, a Discussion Guide, and A Technical Orientation.
Prepare Your Tech
Attend each session in a quiet place with a computer with a camera and headset. Live support will minimize any potential issues that might distract the group.
Commit to the Sessions
If you cannot make all three of the sessions, get in touch to be placed in a future group.
Learn more about the experience
Creating the space for meaningful dialogue in a safe and inclusive environment is critical to our success as colleagues, and people. Shane Campbell, VP/GM Performance and Resins explains why:
The Navigating Change Together Journey
Note: Holding space for inclusive, intentional conversations is a leadership skill whose impact reaches far beyond DuPont’s walls.
Click here to learn more about facilitating a Navigating Change Together group.