Unlocking the power of high-impact conversations

The Team Table is a virtual experience that enables managers to instantly host conversations that strengthen teams.

Are you ready to elevate your team?

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Not another training, not another tool – it is time to try something different. Something designed with your people in mind. Perhaps you’ve experienced something like it before – the power of a small group that is connected, trusting, pushing to be their best.

Are you ready to manage less and lead more?

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We’ve got you covered.
   We worked with and distilled best practices from management thought leaders and social learning experts like Harvard Business School, The Aspen Institute, and Young Presidents’ Organization.
   We’ve designed an interface that creates a refreshing experience but also has the transformative capability to take team conversations to another level.
   We’ll facilitate at first and demonstrate The Team Table using our most popular “Conversations”.
   Once you’ve seen how it works, we leave and you take over.
 Interactive Agendas

structured to support your most important team discussions

Conversation Tools

built to facilitate equitable talk time and the flow of dialogue

An Automatic Process

created to capture key challenges, take aways and actions

Sparks and Prompts

included to help connect and build the kind of trust your team needs to perform at their peak

And experience your first session for free…

Having trouble visualizing? Take a peek at this brief, candid clip.

And experience your first session for free…


Managers are struggling with new hybrid work modes, societal anxiety, and the always increasing need for team speed. Virtual escape rooms, monthly chit-chats, or more shiny tech tools aren’t enough. Teams need a new way to be together to build trust fast, address issues before they fester, and grow together. It doesn’t work to put it all on the manager either – powerful conversations can unlock the extra energy of a high-trust team.

The Team Table is not a video conference platform, and it isn’t training.

It is a virtual experience designed to enable the big, breakthrough conversations that we all too often avoid. Conversations that over time move teams into a high-value zone where they open up with each other, count on each other, and have a clear, shared purpose. In short: The Team Table builds trust.

Are you ready to try our proven recipe?

And experience your first session for free…


  • Step 1 Reserve your Team Table and submit a date & time for a 60- minute session with your team
  • Step 2 Watch for your invitation and Circles Guide introduction
  • Step 3 Answer a few easy questions via email or phone, depending on your preference
  • Step 4 Add your team to the invitation to experience The Team Table together

And experience your first session for free…


Who are you?

A manager with ambition, and soul. Someone who revels in the glory of leading people to success. Who misses taking the team to dinner after work. Who wishes you had more time to coach. Who feels like the distributed team game is stacked against you. Someone who believes a company grows as quickly as its people grow. And who sometimes talks too much, but is working on that.

Who are we?

We’re, a distributed team that believes that people live, work and learn better in circles instead of rows. That indeed, a small group of dedicated people is the only thing that changes the world. That if you want to change behavior, you don’t teach but give people a tool that changes them in using it. That sometimes the best interface is a human face. That we’ve all got too many one-liners, and too few people actually apply this wisdom. Which is why more teams need The Team Table.

Are you ready to begin your journey from managing to leading an engaged, high-trust team?

And experience your first session for free…


The technical limit is 25, but that’s not the point. Experts agree that highly functional teams should be less than 12. For our experience to work as promised, everyone has to feel heard. In a virtual hour, that limits you. We do have some tricks, like breakout circles, to make do if you have a big group. believes that every leader should have an outside forum of peers to help them grow. This is different than a Team Table. We partner with some of the leaders in this movement, and from time to time even launch our own groups. For now, please email us at if that’s what you are interested in, and we’ll try to get you to what you are looking for.

Knock yourself out. We’re kind of curious actually to see what you do. But the team limit is 25 participants. You’ve got to set the Team Table .. it isn’t ideal for quick-on quick-off chats like you can do with Slack Huddles. But once you are rolling, the space is always available to you and you are welcome to meet in it.

Yes, one of our best features is on-demand facilitation. There are some sensitive conversations that warrant professional facilitation, and it is nice to know you can have one for less than the price of a team dinner. Some companies buy packages of hours. But we are also more than happy to train your future CircleLeaders.

  • And a long list of amazing customers, including Glassdoor, HYAS, Activision Blizzard, HubSpot, Lloyd’s Register, Princeton University and more!

Usually not. This is a website you go to, not an app you install, and we store almost no data. Some companies do have restrictions, but we’ve seen it most often with large financial services or government institutions. We’ve passed screening at many major corporations and most others have simply waived us through.

Yes, but we strongly recommend all participants are stationary in a quiet place with good internet. A mobile user can be distracting, and remember – everyone participates. Would you have someone dial-in to your team dinner? 

Yes, but we only spend time testing and keeping up with Chrome, Safari and Edge since the others (Firefox, Opera, Brave, etc) are rare now.

A professional facilitator will run your first session – we call it “setting the table” for free. After that, we recommend creating a plan and subscription for one year for $5,000. This includes our help designing the year and four facilitated sessions, after which you will have the hang of it yourself. At any time, you can bring in a facilitator on-demand. Ongoing the space, conversation library and our support is $195/month.

And experience your first session for free…

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