Join a Coach Forum

As a coach, you’re committed to creating support and results for your clients. But who’s supporting you?

Coach Forums are committed small groups of coaches who gather monthly to surface and explore the most critical challenges holding you back in work and life. Forums are carefully sorted and matched to build a sense of “peeriness” while leveraging valuable diversity. Each meeting is professionally-facilitated. After devoting a kickoff meeting to getting to know each other, Forums use a proven structure to explore members’ most urgent and important professional and personal issues.

Or get in touch with the team to ask questions and get more information here.

Nuts & Bolts

Fill out some basic info, and we’ll match you into a Forum with other coaches looking for a personal Board of Directors. Those that we can not match into great Forums will remain on the waitlist for the next wave.

We’ll take care of everything.

Fees for this program will be $2,750 , due for the year when the invitation is accepted, fully refundable after the first meeting. There will be an additional $695.00 each to cover Retreat facilitation costs. Travel, lodging, and meal expenses are not included in the program costs.

This compares to $7-15,000/year for peer group communities like Chief, YPO, and Vistage. All members are active coaches.

The benefits of this experience are numerous:

These best-in-class professionally-facilitated peer groups are offered at a fraction of comparable alternatives from group coaching companies like BetterUp, professional networks like Chief, or exec ed programs like HBS’ Owners and Presidents program. The 35,000 CEOs in YPO consistently rate Forum as the highest rated member benefit, and their top leadership development experience.

Circles Learning Labs, Inc. - who delivers this program - is an approved vendor at many Fortune 1000 companies.


Registration deadline July 1

During July, Forums are matched

Aug 1 - calendar invites sent for first two meetings

First meetings in September

Retreats begin in January


Circles Learning Labs has partnered with Lauder and other peer learning leaders like Harvard Business School and The Aspen Institute to build technology that makes it easy to scale a consistently great Forum experience virtually.

About Your Facilitator

Jonathan Hefter is the Lead Guide with Circles, where he serves as the Head of Experience Design, Facilitation, & Training. He has created peer group programs for communities and organizations such as Harvard Business School, The Aspen Institute, Weave the People, Scaling Up, and YPO, among dozens of others. He mentors a team of over 40 Circles Guides. Jonathan has over 25 years of facilitation and coaching experience as a certified 4 Gateways Coach, men’s group facilitator, rites of passage guide, and wedding celebrant. He lives in Saratoga Springs, NY with his wife and two daughters.

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