What has worked for us can work for those in our organizations. Can AGLN Fellows help each other grow and support the rising leaders we rely on?They need space to reflect. They need to hear diverse ideas. They need community.

“For it’s not only our hearts that are broken, but the heart of the world as well. Stitch it back together.”


For this program, we’re asking you to nominate up to three leaders of any level from your organization. We will curate small, diverse groups from organizations led by AGLN Fellows. This Fall, we’ll invite them to attend three virtual seminars, facilitating with content from this conference to spark their connection and reflection. Nominate them, give them the space and encouragement to show up, cover the $475 suggested fee for administration and IP – if you can. If you can’t, we’ll pay.

This is the second run of this program. We will report the results back to you. We are hoping to illuminate a path to amplify the impact the AGLN Fellows can have on the world.

What do others say?

Participants in Cohort 1 loved the experience. (47 Fellows) nominated 94 rising leaders who we matched into 9 curated circles. Attendance averaged 85% across the three sessions, and participants rated the program 9.5/10 in value.

The community had two additional sessions – a full-community gathering with guest speakers, and a fourth optional session to hold each other accountable to the actions produced in the program.

Some circles have continued beyond the initial three sessions, meeting monthly all year. They’ve formed a true Fellowship, supporting each other as a personal Board of advisors. and are currently entering phase 3.

Jason Schimitt

President, Gabes Home Division; Henry Crown Fellow

Ana Elizabeth Gonzalez

Executive Director, Panama Canal Museum


We’ll let your nominees know they’ve been nominated, and ask them some questions, including schedule preference. We’ll explain the program and be available live if they have questions. After the program this Fall, we’ll send you a report on how it went and what we learned.


We will curate the groups. Nominate any rising leader who is important to your success. Will they benefit from the chance to reflect, connect and take in new perspectives? The seminar format harnesses diversity. Rest assured, they will be building important relationships with other organizations led by AGLN Fellows.

No, but we will try. If we can’t curate and schedule a full circle of 8-12, we would rather have them wait for the next cohort than go ahead

Just like at the Resnick Aspen Action Forum, we’ll send them readings in advance. We’ll introduce them to their circles. But we will be respectful that these are extremely busy people and any connection outside of sessions will be optional.

No problem. We’ll cover it. We appreciate those that do, because there are hard costs for the content, facilitation and administration of all this. Plus we’re building in the idea that we’ll cover for some participants. But we are also trying to find a fair price point for the future. If not $475, what do you think would be fair? What are you willing to pay?

We’ll charge you when the candidate accepts our offer.

We’ll put forward a few choices that work across time zones, and then juggle.

We’ll stress to them the importance of showing up for the others in their group. But please help us by making that point too. This is not a recorded webinar that you can watch later.

A quiet location with a good internet connection

Readings will be based on the 2023 RAAF seminars. If you don’t have them, we’ll send you a copy to preview.

This is a partnership between the Aspen Institute and Circles Learning Labs, Inc. run by Fellow Dan Hoffman, Henry Crown Fellow, 2014, Bones & Elephants. The AGLN is starting to think more about how to help develop leaders more widely and deeply in organizations. After running a series of seminar discussions with Fellows this year, and getting feedback from several, we conceived of this experiment. The results will help inform the Institute’s strategy and may form the basis of a more recurring program.

Circl.es enabled the moderators to have intimate, absorbing, dialogues about issues of racial and gender inequality in this pandemic period with virtual hugs no less. Absolutely wizard.” – Keith Burwick, Aspen Moderator.

No, this is one- time experiment meant to extend the impact of seminar- style dialogue to more people. Those who participate do not become AGLN Fellows nor are they considered part of an AGLN Fellowship

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